For this reason, medical and psychiatric supervision of the alcohol detox process is necessary. Professionals can help people safely detox from alcohol and move forward with their recovery. The first step in the journey of recovery from alcohol use disorder is to complete a detox. This means that the person needs to eliminate alcohol from the body entirely. Treatment options for alcohol withdrawal syndrome typically involve supportive care to ease the effect of the symptoms.
- Alcohol detox can be painful, distressing, and dangerous because it requires a person to experience the full range of withdrawal symptoms.
- For those trying to detox from alcohol, it is vital to do so under the supervision of a doctor, as the withdrawal symptoms may be severe.
- Alcohol dependence oralcohol use disordercan ruin a person’s life, and yet many continue to abuse the drug knowingly to avoid alcohol withdrawal.
- From there, the clinician will recommend an appropriate level of care to manage symptoms.
- The test is completely confidential and anonymous; your results are not recorded, are available only to you, and you are not asked for any personally identifying information.
- If done at home without medical attention, alcohol withdrawal can even be deadly.
See Prognosis, Clinical Presentation, Differentials, Workup, and Treatment. To help relieve uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms, many treatment programs offer alcohol withdrawal syndrome symptoms medication-assisted therapy. Certain prescribed medications can treat alcohol withdrawal, allowing patients to focus on other aspects of recovery.
Personal tools
Muscle spasms are one of the most common alcohol withdrawal symptoms and will usually start within a few hours of your last drink and last up to a few days. Because complications of AWS can be deadly, never try to wait out your tremor from AWS or manage it on your own. Some people will have only a mild hand tremor or muscle twitching in alcohol withdrawal. However, other people will have more serious problems, like a full-body seizure.
The person should also try to eat three well-balanced meals per day and drink enough water to remain hydrated. The first goal of treatment is to keep you comfortable by managing your symptoms.
How To Safely Treat Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms
In general, blood work will test serum magnesium, and replacements will occur if indicated. Vitamins such as thiamine and folic acid will need to be supplemented.
What is the first line of treatment for alcoholism?
Naltrexone — For most newly diagnosed patients with moderate or severe alcohol use disorder, we suggest initial treatment with naltrexone. Naltrexone is our preferred choice due to its preferable dosing schedule and the ability to begin treatment for alcohol use disorder while the individual is still drinking.
Antipsychotics may potentially worsen alcohol withdrawal as they lower the seizure threshold. Clozapine, olanzapine, or low-potency phenothiazines are particularly risky; if used, extreme caution is required. Alcohol abuse and dependence represents a very serious health problem worldwide with major social, interpersonal and legal interpolations. Pharmacological treatments presently used are of uncertain effectiveness and there is even more doubt on the comparative effects and value for money. Among the treatments considered, benzodiazepines showed a protective benefit against seizures, when compared to placebo and a potentially protective benefit for many outcomes when compared with antipsychotics.
How Does Your Body Feel When You Quit Drinking?
You may have more severe withdrawal symptoms if you have certain other medical problems. Alcohol withdrawal refers to symptoms that may occur when a person who has been drinking too much alcohol on a regular basis suddenly stops drinking alcohol. Clonidine may be used in combination with benzodiazepines to help some of the symptoms. No conclusions can be drawn concerning the efficacy or safety of baclofen for alcohol withdrawal syndrome due to the insufficiency and low quality of the evidence.